ESENSI LINGUA <p>Jurnal Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Institut Bisnis Nusantara</p> Lembaga Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Bisnis Nusantara en-US ESENSI LINGUA 2656-6478 Examining Sentence Constructions in Law of Attraction Affirmations from Language Perspective <p>This research discusses the sentences used in affirmation when applying Law of Attraction (LoA). The aims of this research are to introduce the sentences used in applying LoA successfully, and contribute in science and language fields. There are three research questions offered in this research, first. how do language elements are used in applying LoA, second, how are the sentences arranged to direct positive vibes, and the last, what words should be chosen to attract positive vibes. The data are taken from several books used by LoA practioners. The conclusions are the language elements used in LoA: <em>nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, possessive adjectives, prepositions, determiners, conjunctions, or pronouns, </em>the sentences are arranged to direct positive vibes by applying Losier (2007) tools, namely <em>identify desires, give your desire attention, and allow it, c</em>hosen words to attract positive vibes commonly are <em>attracting, getting, come, radiate, better, worthy, good, grateful, effortlessly, every way, love, joy, positivity, abundance</em>, and <em>prosperity. </em></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Law of Attraction (LoA), positive vibes, goals, word choices&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Cut Nina Sausina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 6 1 1 9 An Ambiguous Meaning Uttered by Characters Found in “My Lecturer My Husband Movie Season 2” <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to find out the reasons of characters uttering some ambiguous words, phrases, or sentences in the movie and to describe the meaning of ambiguous words uttered by characters. This research will also provide some ambiguous characteristic information that appears more often in the movie. The method used for this research is descriptive qualitative and the writers use theory by Crystal (2008). The data audio-visual data taken from the part of the conversation of the movie. The research obtained nine data contained the ambiguous word, phrases, or sentences. They are lexical and structural ambiguity. Lexical ambiguity is a characteristic that often appears in this movie. There are eight data using ambiguous lexical characteristics, while there is one data that uses ambiguous structural.</p> Dewi Nuryanti Siti Nurhalimatus Sa’diah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 6 1 10 18