Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Online di Website Terhadap Citra Merek Traveloka Bagi Komunitas Backpacker Jakarta

  • Maulana Malik Muqqorobun Institut Bisnis Nusantara
  • Aulia Hasanah Institut Bisnis Nusantara
Keywords: Kualitas Pelayanan Online, Citra Merek, Online Service Quality, Brand Image


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh kualitas pelayanan online di Website terhadap citra merek Traveloka bagi komunitas Backpacker Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 98 orang yang merupakan anggota dari komunitas Backpacker Jakarta berdasarkan rumus Yamane dengan presisi 10%. Hasil tersebut membuktikan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara kualitas pelayanan online di Website terhadap citra merek Traveloka bagi komunitas Backpacker Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis, nilai t-hitung (5.864) > t-tabel (1,660551). Hasil uji korelasi, menunjukkan bahwa memiliki tingkat hubungan yang kuat yakni 0,683. Hasil analisis koefisien regresi sebesar 0,420 memiliki arti bahwa setiap 1 (satu) kali ada kualitas pelayanan online, maka nilai citra merek Traveloka bagi komunitas Backpacker Jakarta akan meningkat sebesar 0,420 ke arah positif. Dari hasil perhitungan koefisien determinasi diperoleh 36,4%, hal ini berarti variabel X “Kualitas Pelayanan Online” memberikan kontribusi sebesar 36,4%.

This study aims to determine how much influence the online service quality on the website has on the brand image of Traveloka for the Jakarta Backpacker community. This study uses a quantitative method, with a total sample of 98 people who are members of the Jakarta Backpacker community based on the Yamane formula with a precision of 10%. These results prove that there is a significant influence between online service quality on the website on Traveloka's brand image for the Jakarta Backpacker community. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, namely the t-count value (5.864) > t-table (1.660551). The results of the correlation test show that it has a strong relationship level of 0.683. The results of the regression coefficient analysis of 0.420 means that every 1 (one) time there is online service quality, the Traveloka brand image value for the Jakarta Backpacker community will increase by 0.420 in a positive direction. From the calculation of the coefficient of determination obtained 36.4%, this means that the variable X "Quality of Online Service" contributes 36.4%.


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How to Cite
Muqqorobun, M., & Hasanah, A. (2024). Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Online di Website Terhadap Citra Merek Traveloka Bagi Komunitas Backpacker Jakarta. Jurnal Komunikasi Esensi Daruna, 3(1), 26-31.