ESENSI: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis
ESENSI: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year (January-April, May-August, and September-December) by Graduate in Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Institut Bisnis Nusantara. The ESENSI: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on business. ESENSI: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis invites manuscripts in the areas of marketing management, finance management, strategic management, operation management, human resource management, e-business, knowledge management, management accounting, management control system, management information system, international business, business economics, business ethics and suistainable, and entrepreneurship.
The primary criterion for publication in ESENSI is the significance of the contribution an article makes to the literature in business area, i.e., the significance of the contribution and on the rigor of analysis and presentation of the paper. The acceptance decision is made based upon an independent review process that provides critically constructive and prompt evaluations of submitted manuscripts.
Jurnal Esensi Infokom : Jurnal Esensi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer
Jurnal yang berfokus dibidang Informasi, Teknologi, dan hal keilmuan yang terkait, dengan scope Komputer sains & IT, Pengambilan keputusan, Riset operasi & Manajemen, Electrical Engineering, dan Edukasi.
Esensi Lingua is a journal for implementing research in English and Bahasa Indonesia, focusing on Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching. Its ISSN is 26566478. This journal is published by the Lembaga Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Bisnis Nusantara (LRPM IBN). Articles should have never been published online or in print in other journals. The editors welcome submissions of manuscripts related to the field. The publication is scheduled twice a year, in May and November. Google Scholar, Garuda, Copernicus, OneSearch, Neliti, EndNote, Zotero, and Grammarly index it. Articles will be checked for plagiarism by Turnitin, with the minimum level of similarity possible, and have a blind review by the reviewers.
Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis, Pasar Modal dan UMKM adalah Jurnal ilmiah terbitan Magister Manajemen Institut Bisnis Nusantaramen yang dimaksudkan untuk diseminasikan hasil penelitian dan tugas akhir mahasiswa agar dapat diakses secara mudah dan memberikan manfaat bagi praktisi bisnis dan akademisi.
Jurnal Komunikasi Esensi Daruna
Jurnal yang berfokus pada bidang komunikasi massa, komunikasi pemasaran, digital media serta bidang keilmuan lain yang terkait komunikasi. Menerbitkan hasil penelitian, komentar atau kritik terhadap fenomena sosial yang terjadi saat ini dan ulasan novel secara ilmiah.
Jurnal Abdimas Nusantara
Luaran hasil pengabdian masyarakat dengan tema multidisiplin