Speech Act Analyzing in Top Gun: Maverick Film

  • Irsya Rachmat Riyadi Institut Bisnis Nusantara
Keywords: Film, Speech Act, Top Gun: Maverick Film, Utterances


This article discussed the identification of speech acts through several dialogues between characters in Top Gun: Maverick. The aim of this study is to find out the types of speech acts used in Top Gun: Maverick. The data were utterances suspected to have speech acts uttered by this film's characters. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method to classify speech acts used in Top Gun: Maverick. This study found three types of speech acts used in the Top Gun: Maverick film, namely expressive speech acts preferred form found one data and misery found one data, Perlocutionary speech acts form rejection found two data and directive speech acts.



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How to Cite
Riyadi, I. (2023). Speech Act Analyzing in Top Gun: Maverick Film. ESENSI LINGUA, 5(1), 32-36. Retrieved from https://ibn.e-journal.id/index.php/LINGUA/article/view/682