Konstruksi Berita Kerusuhan Kanjuruhan di Media Online: Analisis Wacana Kritis Model Norman Fairclough

  • Cut Nina Sausina
Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, News, Riots


Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) plays a role in criticizing injustice. News that contains injustice can be the object of CDA's research. This study aims to describe language constructions in writing online news related to the Kanjuruhan riots in Tempo.co and Bola.com.  Using a descriptive qualitative method, this study intends to answer three problems: first, how the riot events published in the two online media are described from a semiotic aspect according to Norman Fairclough's theory. Second, how is the discourse practice related to the news of the Kanjuruhan riots depicted in Tempo.co and Bola.com. Third, how sociocultural politics related to the news of the Kanjuruhan riots is described in the two media. The results of the study concluded that riots were described as social irregularities, discourse practices describing obstacles in overcoming riots did not represent all related sosial orders, and information on the part of victims was less written  in both online media.


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How to Cite
Sausina, C. (2022). Konstruksi Berita Kerusuhan Kanjuruhan di Media Online: Analisis Wacana Kritis Model Norman Fairclough. ESENSI LINGUA, 4(2), 17-28. Retrieved from https://ibn.e-journal.id/index.php/LINGUA/article/view/522